Lean Canvas
ProblemWordPress and other website builders provides a terrible developer experience and are holding back technical innovate of the web. Website builders are big complicated technology platforms that are difficult to customize and tailor to brand style. Server side rendered websites like WordPress are not ideal for reliability and sustainability. They often have server scaling and hosting management headaches. | SolutionInnovate marketing websites built with bleeding edge technology. Beautifully designed to provide a competitive digital presence for start-ups. I want to automate and speed up the process of making personalized marketing websites. Nuxt is an innovating static site generation framework we use to build websites. | Value PropositionStart ups are busy building their business. They don't want to worry about managing a marketing website. I want to provide a set and forget experience for them. Making sustainable websites that reduce the headache of managing a website. Do it for you rather than do it yourself, affordable, stress free, fully managed websites. | Unfair AdvantageI'm an entrepreneur myself and work 80-hour weeks for the last 5 years building my skills in both business and technology. Being an entrepreneur myself I can empathize with the needs of other entrepreneurs. Passion for open source and collaboration allow me to make wonderful long-lasting industry connections. "Content is King - Code is Queen ". | Customer SegmentsSole Traders, Start-ups and small business need a digital presence. Rather than having them work for their website I want to make the website work for them. The smaller the business the more important. I want to help new and micro businesses compete with the big guys. | |||||||
AlternativesThere are 2 types of alternatives, do it yourself website builders and hiring a digital agency to do it for you.
| Key MetricsMeasuring how engaging a web page and, how the page is creating revenue generating leads and conversions.
| High-level conceptCustom, bespoke, personalized, tailored web design and development for start-ups focused on innovation. WordPress for start-ups. Digital Agency for start-ups. | ChannelsUtilizing social channels to share content that would be relevant and helpful for entrepreneurs. Also connecting in person at networking events.
| Early adoptersWorking with people I know and expanding my network to find start-ups and sole traders who need a website.
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Cost Structure
Total: $3,240 - $14,400 per project Transparency in costs to provide a premium experience. Cost Driven (cost structure, low price prop, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing). Value driven (focused on value creation, premium value prop). | Revenue StreamsProject based work for initial website builds and the providing ongoing support and maintenance.
Alex Osterwilder Business Model Canvas
Key PartnersWho are our key partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which key resources are we acquiring from partners? Which key activities our partners perform? Motivation for partnerships
Optimization and economy | Key ActivitiesWhat key activities do our value propositions require? Our distribution channels? Customer relationships? Revenue Streams? Categories
Production | Value PropositionWhich value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer's problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? Characteristics
Newness | Customer RelationshipWhat type of relationship each customer segment expects? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with rest of the biz. model? How much they cost us? Examples
Personal assistance | Customer SegmentsFor whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? Examples
Mass market | |||||
Key ResourcesWhat key resources our value proposition requires? Our distribution channels? Customer relationships? Revenue Streams? Types of resources
Physical | ChannelsThrough which channels our customer segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? | ||||||||
Cost StructureWhat are most important costs inherent to our business model? Which key resources are most expensive? Which key activities are most expensive? Is your business more? Cost driven(cost structure, low price prop, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing) Value driven (focused on value creation, premium value prop) | Revenue StreamsFor what value are our customers willing to pay? What are they currently paying for? How are they paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much each revenue stream contributes overall? |