What is Nuxt?

The open source framework making web development simple and powerful. Build your next Vue.js application with confidence using NuxtJS.


Nuxt is an open source meta front end framework for Vue js. It makes web development simple and powerful.

  • Pre-rendered pages
  • Great project structure
  • Config less page routing
  • Lots of useful modules
  • Good documentation
  • Growing Community

Static Site Generation

Static Site Generation is a hot topic right now (aka JAMStack). Instead of switching to another framework and spending time getting used to it, you can meet all your needs with one framework?

Nuxt.js supports generating a static website based on your Vue application. It's the "best of both worlds" as you don't need a server but still have SEO benefits because Nuxt will pre-render all pages and include the necessary HTML. Also, you can deploy the resulting pages to Netlify or Vercel.


You get optimized applications out of the box. We do our best to build performant applications by utilizing Vue.js and Node.js best practices. Squeezing every unnecessary bit out of your app Nuxt includes a bundle analyzer and lots of opportunities to fine-tune your app.


You can choose from more than 50 awesome modules to make your development faster and easier. You don't have to there is no need to fiddle around setting up service workers to get PWA benefits, add Google Analytics to your page or generate a sitemap.

Developer Experience

We love Nuxt.js and continuously improve the framework so you love it too! Appealing solutions, descriptive error messages, powerful defaults and detailed documentation. If questions or problems come up, our helpful community will help you out.

Getting Started

Following the Nuxt installation guide:

The Nuxt.js team has created a scaffolding tool called create-nuxt-app to help get you started.

npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>

It will ask you some questions (name, Nuxt options, UI framework (Vuetify), TypeScript, linter (Eslint, Prettier), testing framework, modules(nuxt content), etc.), when answered, it will install all the dependencies so the next step is to navigate to the project folder and launch it with:

cd <project-name>
npm run dev

The application is now running on http://localhost:3000.


Now you know what makes Nuxt so awesome and how to get started. You can check out my other post Build a Static Site Blog with Nuxt.


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